Thursday, January 17, 2013


In the last few days we have done a few fun things. The first was a coffee plantation. In order to get around we used mountain bikes. There was a lot of sand and it was hard but fun. Adam said it was his "thorn" for the day. (we often discuss our rose and thorn at the end of a day) While we were riding to the coffee plantation we met a really nice guy named Field. He was from Texas. He had been saving money and is now traveling around the "world" on his budget of saved money.
Today we did a really fun thing too. Went to a coffee plantation... This time we went with school though. We even learned how to make coffee. There was this huge machine that would separate the outside of the coffee bean from the actual bean. The machine was huge and it went so fast!
The past two days were fun but the one bad thing is... I don't like coffee...                          EK

The tours of the coffee plantations gave us the opportunity to discuss "fair trade" with the boys. The farm did not advertise that it was "fair trade" so we were unsure of the expectations of the employees and children. Boyd's solution is that  he should just own a plantation and thinks we should start calling him El Hefe or El Senior. In spite of the plans to remove our "atrium" at home to make a more functional space, he is now planning to smuggle coffee and cocoa plants back into the states and maybe buy a horse for the yard. 

Although the work looks tedious the climate is nice. Coffee is also planted with shade trees overhead to protect it. The workers at the plantation Filedelphia live in one large house with one room per family. We are not sure if it has electricity or plumbing. I think I will keep my day job and hope my husband doesn't leave his.                                                                                JK


  1. ek: i like hearing about your thorns & roses! i don't like coffee, either, but it sounds interesting to learn about. maybe a hot chocolate plantation? i look forward to your one-minute book reviews. maybe you can be a guest blogger on my site :-)

    el hefe: you be dreaming muy loco.

    jk: my thorn: you're not here for tennis today ... your weather is much better so that's a plus for you ...

  2. I agree AK, biking in sand would be my thorn that day also. Hopefully tomorrow's thorn is easier on the legs! I agree with EK, coffee, coffee, coffee everybody loves coffee except the GREAT ONES like us!

  3. the photos in the gallery, keep them up. Good to see your safe and healthy faces!!

  4. Hello Kroezes...

    God put all of you on my heart tonight and encouraged me to bring you to Him in prayer. This is the first time checking your blog and plan to do more regularly to follow your great adventure. Glad to know that God is keeping you safe. Oh, and you're not missing much's really cold and windy but no snow boys. We hope to get some next week. Would love to take Cooper out to play. - Melissa
