We have had two adventures in the past two days using the chicken bus. The first was yesterday. To start off the morning we did the same fun thing we do almost every school day. Eat breakfast... No, of course not we went on a field trip in school. We walked to the public market. It is all outside except for a few connected meat and other food vendors in the back. It took a while to get there but we learned a lot about different foods. After school we went to the macadamia nut farm.(as we call it, tree hugger farm)
Back to the chicken bus. A chicken bus is really a school bus with many colors. It is like a taxi that carries lots of people. It is crowded and hot, and the exhaust was black and stinky coming from most of the busses. But the fun part is that it goes so fast it feels like a roller coaster. Adam and I thought it was awesome but dad was a little claustrophobic, and mom did't like the speed.
The nut farm was really cool because they were trying to use the macadamia trees to cure global warming and pollution. One of the other fun(or should I say tasty) things there was the macadamia pancakes. They were made with macadamia nut flower and macadamia nut butter over it. It was so good.
Today was fun too. In the morning we only did one hour of school before going on a field trip. After lunch we went to a convent which is a home for nuns. There were tiny bedrooms and it was kind of weird but they were really cool. We thought that one of the cool parts was the holding cells that people think they would torture the nuns in. People think they tortured them by locking them in a standing position and doing the chinese water drip on them. This this would make them go crazy.
After this we went to a park and played fut'bal(soccer) with some neighborhood friends. Since it was so hot we got back on the chicken bus because that was the fastest way to get home. EK
Sounds like fun days! :D Hope the rest of your trip is this awesome! Today in Social Studies we were looking at Mexico and the map also had Guatemala. We pointed out that that was where you were!